Pain Peace Story

Pain Peace Story

Our herbal remedies are always crafted from a story. It’s always personal. And the plants come to me with a mission. Your pain and story is connected to the web of healing. The plants know first and these medicines are a product of your intention to heal with the earth in ease.

Humans with body pain went crazy for this one and I couldn’t keep it in stock. I finally caught up and have plenty to share for now, thanks to the poppies that heard your cry.

Personally, I use this tincture for headaches, tight neck and shoulders, back pain, menstrual cramps, sciatic pain, and achey body pain(from cold and flu). I have never experienced chronic pain or extreme pain from an injury or illness but many customers have found lots of relief in this medicine for all scales and types of discomfort. You can definitely sort through the reviews(mainly from Etsy) to see what everyone experienced with this tincture.

The feeling that happens for me when I take this tincture is body release and calm. The tight muscles slowly let go and the aches and cramps are soothed with a loving relaxing touch. My mild pains ALWAYS completely dissolve.

This one came to me all at once in one of those calm unassuming moments. You know the one. Where the universe gives you a big hug for doing what you love and being yourself. I was hit with the idea of a medicine that could love on every human that exists. The plants just lined up in my head one at a time.

Usually I jot these quick inspirations down and get to my list of to-be-crafted medicines later, but this one came in so quick it’s still a blur in my mind from start to finish. Almost like it was your pain in charge of this process and these plants have been waiting in line for a while. They were all literally springing up everywhere outside my front door. No joke. Yes I logically know the plants that tend to body pain but this was next level announcement and purpose.

The poppies gave it away and it was the fastest puzzle I have ever put together. I have never been able to grow poppies until I threw out some old california poppy seeds with no high hopes. They sprung up with their cute frilly leaves and never stopped springing. I made 10 gallons of poppy tincture from a 5x4 garden bed by the front porch. This is what happens when we all have a need and desire. Especially for freedom, peace and relief. The plants celebrate and jump up at us until we notice and connect. Because yes, of course we can heal and feel better. Without effort.

I know about plants and I know the properties that work on human body systems and processes but some creations don’t need any logic or thinking, just listening. Intuitive creating is how I function best.

The mindset shift is: your body is always healing AND connecting to the environment around you, sending out messages to whoever will listen. The earth always hears you, your unconscious and conscious messages. Plants are not pharmaceuticals. Not covering up your pains to keep you searching, but seeing your whole being, craving to know you more intimately and showing you how easy it is to heal and feel alive.

I NEED to help you feel better and not from a place of desperation but from a place of knowing. That this is the path and the time is now. I need to help you because I have helped myself. Like being the mother you want to be after you have taken care of yourself fully. The intention to feel better is all you need. I have let the earth help me and I HAVE to share vibrancy with you. You can feel good because you were made to feel good. And I believe plants are our most cherished friends that know the deepest unconditional love. They show me everyday how to feel vibrant and peaceful just by expressing spirit and purpose.

Love you all!


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1 comment

Your tincture came in the mail today and it was at a perfect time. I struggle with ADHD and lately my symptoms have been off the charts, causing anxiety, tension and headaches. My famwis going through a particularly hard time and I raise my two young boys by myself while my husband works on the road.

I really needed this relief today. I was shocked at how quickly it worked! Immediately my tension, headache and anxiety was reduced by more than half! I’m very pleased with this product! I look forward to sharing it with others I know that can benefit from it as well!


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