Healing Mother Story

Healing Mother Story

Healing Mother Tincture 

-The spirits that helped me through-
A beautiful herbalist and mentor taught me that each creative project we take action on to bring in has its own consciousness. Every medicine I create has its own spirit. Just like ideas are consciousness waiting to be taken hold of by the right human at the right time.

This is my favorite part. And this medicine embodies the beauty of this magic. I create from my soul and intuitive guidance. This is what lights me up. A new idea coming in with an explosion of clarity and detail. And so another one was born with help from all of you and your healing intention…..

This medicine came in when I was in the depths of my new-ish mothering journey. I remember exactly where I was and who I was with when healing mother tincture came streaming in. I usually don’t do any plant research to figure out these potions, the plants just come to me during weird moments of spontaneous inspiration(like the Aldi parking lot or gas station stops on a road trip) and then I do the research afterwards just to check my higher guidance. It usually always checks out, research information wise and definitely spiritual plant medicine wise. And I always name these blends last after the fruition has unfolded.

I had a time of it in my early mothering days. Anxiety took hold of me and I carried the most intense heavy load all of the time. I didn’t know how to take care of myself and all I cared about was taking care of my babies and cleaning the house (which was never clean anyway). I held all of this inside and just pushed and struggled through. I didn’t know then how painful it was. I was so confused as to why being a mom was so hard, and at the same time it was me and everything I was good at and wanted. Why did other moms seem to be at ease in the crazy toddler phase and not take everything so seriously while my life force was slowly draining day to day and it was so hard to find relaxation and trust.

Healing mother tincture came into being at the turning point in my life. It was really the spark of a rebirth into myself along with the consciousness of my business. I remember standing in front of my motherwort plant after learning so much about this medicine and understanding the mission of this creation. I needed help and I needed to be cared for. I saw in that moment the mother I was and wanted to step into. A healing mother. A passionate, gentle, protective, trusting, heart led mother. A mother that asks for help. And I understood all mothers and the current load of heavy shit we carry when we need to be cared for so we can fully nourish our children and release the load. So we can be loved while we work through pain and trauma to stop the cycle. We are willing to walk through the fire so we can come out changed, peaceful, in tune and gently able to nourish everything around us into vibrancy. Holding the world and transforming hurt into love. Seeing the heaviness but not carrying it. Creating a loving space for it as we watch the transformation into light freedom.

Motherwort and passionflower are two very powerful, gentle nourishing allies.They both hold the power of release and surrender while wrapping us in love. These spirits calm and relax the nervous system while helping us mothers let go of tension and anxiety. Passionflower unwinds our repetitive thought patterns and slows the flow. Also helping calm the mind to prepare for healthy sleep. Motherwort embodies the experience of motherhood and she knows exactly how you feel and what you need. She protects your heart and nurtures your heart spirit. Allowing us to open up to ourselves and our power.

When I am having a self critical day and I feel helpless tense and overwhelmed, motherwort pops into my mind, nudging me and asking me to be held. So I surrender, take this tincture and let her take me into comfort, nourishment and ease. I have been in awe of her softening power and how this medicine helps me to see and love who I am in this moment and dissolve the walls and tangles of self judgement and blame. The compassionate words I need come in and I am wrapped in love and mother force as I move forward with my day.

I also use this medicine during times of cycle irregularity. Motherwort is a beautiful hormone balance friend and stability builder. She has helped my sister with painful periods, heavy blood flow and bringing on delayed blood flow. Motherwort is a womb nourishment spirit, toning and loving on the uterus, making cramping less painful and more efficient for easeful blood flow. Both of these plant spirits also offer so much sustenance for women traveling through the menopause portal and transition.Creating a space for easeful change and body balance.

Healing mother tincture was named as a nurturing symbol of my journey, my business journey, the journey I want to connect with so many mothers and women on and the earth mother journey we are all walking. I know you will find so much love and power in this spirit medicine.

Sending so much love💗






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