Headache Healer Story

Headache Healer Story

This one is special. This medicine represents everything I believe about how humans and plants are connected, physically and spiritually. And its always personal right? Because our stories launch us into our purpose. Because we are all connected through story and experience. And my story is thousands of women’s stories….

You know those plants that just hang around in your life, (not just the house plants that you haven’t watered in 6 months and they never seem to give up) but the ones that are outside your door or just in your neighborhood that seem to wave at you and ask you to notice them ALL the time? Like you can never not see them. This is exactly how this story begins.

Before I ever had the awareness of plant spirits and understanding of human plant relationships, I planted a feverfew plant and kept it in a pot outside my front door. I didn’t even know what feverfew was and I bought the seeds online because the flowers looked pretty. I was in my first year of motherhood and we were building our farmhouse while we stayed in a rental in town. So you know, I was focused on making sure my baby, just learning how to walk, was still alive at the end of every day. I wasn’t too focused on nourishing plants yet.

This feverfew plant sat outside the front door all summer, winter and spring without so much as a glance from me. It never even looked like it needed attention and it always seemed healthy and vibrant. I maybe watered it once and I’m not sure how it survived the winter. But I brought that plant with me when we moved into our farmhouse and I remember thinking, why the hell am I toting this weird plant that wont die in this small pot all around with me. I don’t remember why I decided to look up the plant and learn about feverfew, but I’ll never forget the moment I did. I got the tingly chills that ran through my body as I realized this plant was my persistent friend that would never give up on me.

I have had migraines for almost 20 years of my life and at the age of 27 I was identifying myself as a person with migraines and my life would be disrupted whenever one would take me down, usually after I neglected my body and my energy for long enough. Feverfew is well know as the migraine plant. Plants don’t care if you only live life with your thinking brain and don’t open up to their communication, they will keep showing up for your needs. And here was a plant begging to help me and asking me to enter this magical realm where healing is mine and the solution is simple.

And it gets better. I started making a feverfew tincture right away with my new plant medicine skills and desire to experiment and just trust the plants. It was helping me and my migraines as I learned to trust, but I wasn’t all in yet. I started selling this tincture in my etsy shop about 4 years later and around this time, another plant was working its magic in front of me. You think I would have caught on a little sooner this time but I was definitely still entrenched in motherhood and keeping my sanity day to day.

This plant sprung up in our chicken coop area as a couple plants at first with beautiful purple flower stalks that bloomed from June-September. I had never seen this plant in my life ever before. Not on our farm or anywhere else I had lived. It took me a couple years to get the hint and someone had to look it up for me. Blue Vervain, a medicinal perennial plant, used for migraines, headaches, nerve pain, anxiety and neck/shoulder/back tension. Y’all, what?! I couldn’t even make up a better story.

And I’m here to tell you, I’m not special. This is happening to every human that exists and the only difference is I couldn’t not pay attention any longer. I decided to let the plants talk to me and teach me about how the universe works. I suffer from ever single human ailment that blue vervain works on. Not just migraines and headaches, but anxiety, sciatic pain, and most of all neck/shoulder tension. Thats it! I can confidently say that those are the only bodily complaints (besides your average gut health complaints) I have had in this life up until now.

And these two plant spirits are here to show me that I can trust myself and the earth for healing, that whatever I need is always a few steps away, that we don’t have to work hard for healing, that we can just surrender to our needs and know that they will be met. We aren’t alone here and are always supported.

Today a migraine will sneak in every few months( previously every week) and I know its a build up of too much doing and not enough caring for myself. But I can take this tincture at the onset of a migraine and every couple hours repeat the dose and my headache will leave and my tension will relax. This tincture is also wonderful for long term inhibiting and intensity reduction for migraines. (I’m having to get creative with “medical language” so I hope you are following along). So after months of consistent use (daily for inhibiting) your body will mend and the migraines will become less frequent and less intense. It’s helpful to create a daily ritual with this instead of just onset management as the headaches are harder to dissipate if it’s already full blown pain. But it definitely helps management of active headaches as well. Check out all of the amazing reviews for this tincture (mainly from etsy) on our website. Countless people have shared with me the life changing healing they have experienced after starting a relationship with these plants.

Blue Vervain and Feverfew continue to thrive in abundance on our farm and I continue to spread their magic out into the world through this tincture and share these magic plant stories to anyone who is eager to listen. Because the medicine isn’t just in the bottle. Plant medicines are a gateway into your power, not the end all healers or fixers. You are the medicine and the healer. What you need is ready and waiting for you. The plants are so excited to show you your magic.

Thank you for being here in this space with me,

Happy Healing,


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