Do you feel the spark?

Do you feel the spark?

I love January and the feeling of clarity and excitement it brings. This year feels epic in the realm of self awareness and the shift towards tenderness and taking deep soulful care of ourselves. The rush rush to get it all done and hold ourselves to depleting standards is becoming old news. The power of slow, thoughtful and nurturing progression is taking root.

What are you looking to let in this year? How are your dreams guiding you and what is calling your soul? We are meant to step up now, show the world what we really care about and why we are here in these bodies on this earth right now. What are your gifts? And do you feel that little nudge inside of you to dive in and show this life what you are made of, despite the fear that has been weighing in on your decisions? There is magic in simply doing what you love when you feel the urge to do it. A ripple effect unfolds when you let your spark guide you and it gets easier and easier to do what you want when you want to do it.

I am calling in all the sunshine, magic, dancing, feel good body movement, wealth and abundance, surrender, relaxation, unapologetic authenticity and earth connection this year. What are you calling in? If you could have the year of your dreams what would it look like?

Because January opens the door to springtime in my mind, I feel so hopeful and have a desire to rev up my motivation for all things barefoot, garden, sun and sitting in the clover eating summer snacks. And then I let my urgency carry me into the misery of a long winter and my body goes into freeze mode. I understand why animals hibernate and its all I can do not to shut down, sit on the couch and watch tv and hope that when I get up to go to the bathroom it will be spring. Seriously, this is extreme but I’m sure I’m not alone. Every year that I am still on this planet in this body I learn something new about winter and how I can survive without spiraling into the SAD mode of operation. This year I am committed to running out into the sunshine when it peaks through, walking on the ground barefoot in between the snow storms and taking a good vitamin D supplement along with all of my happy sunny light filled plant medicines. AND sitting on the couch and resting when I feel like it, instead of letting the no progress guilt sweep me into the darkness.

The year of my dreams looks like reaching all of the beautiful humans craving spiritual plant medicines, connecting to healing communities and using my voice more, speaking my truth and attracting all of the right people into my life, growing new medicinal plants and expanding my garden beds, nourishing and learning more about the familiar plant spirits around me, making new intuitive medicines, finding joy and excitement in daily mothering, meditating daily, finding and feeling the peace and safety inside of me and in my partnership, nurturing my desires, walking barefoot whenever I’m outside, traveling to Hawaii, paying off a lot of debt, growing and storing lots of food for winter with my family, new farm projects, LOTS of rest and sunshine on my skin. I want to feel soooooo good.

What about YOU?

With this new start and new year I have felt a shift towards more balance on earth, more kindness and openness in humanity. Shifts are sometimes really slow, needing patience and trust and this awakening and movement towards healing seems timeless. So natural and rooted in the cycle of restoration and harmony. Like there is no other way to be and those old fear based energies are now powerless. What do you feel is different and shifting on this planet and inside of humans?

I believe this earth holds the wisest energy and if we trust the unfolding and view this next up-level from growth and energy intuition we won’t have to push against anything that shows up. We are humans learning through physical experience but we don’t know all of the answers and it isn’t our job to know. This earth has been around and knows the way. Learning to listen and surrender while following your purpose is the path of least resistance. Fear fades when we put faith in a universal guidance. Especially the guidance from within and trust in your soul.

Whether you are ready to jump into this next healing phase, you are already on the fast train or you are easing your way into feeling better and finding balance but don’t know the next steps, the plants and earth energy are always ready and waiting to guide you into deeper connection with yourself.

with love,


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