Sweet November

Sweet November

I am here in this moment in time doing the biggest soul searching because your healing path intersected with mine.

I will forever hold the deepest gratitude for you and the connection we share. It might not seem big or significant to you but I want you to know our connection is so special to me.

Sharing a piece of me and my journey with the humans that believe in me feels really right at this time. Over the past several months I have been pushed so forcefully into myself to take a deep look at what I want in this lifetime and how much I am willing to expand and show myself to the world. It has been so scary and so confusing.

As most of you know, my etsy shop was permanently removed by the big corporate forces in July and my whole life was flipped around. My beautiful dream job at home with the land and my family evaporated in just a few days and I was stunned. After the shock wore off, I had moments of pristine clarity and perspective flickering in between paralyzing fear. How could something so wonderful that offered me a road into my blooming soul be taken away with no explanation, consideration or humanity. I couldn’t make sense of how I could work so hard, connect with so many amazing humans, turn my passion into a real dream job that I loved everyday only to fall backwards with no ground beneath me.

But from many hard life experiences I have learned that I am not a victim and every challenge, dark or light filled, is FOR me. Trusting this has been a struggle lately. Having faith in myself and my dreams while helping with financial security, raising my children, and being present and vulnerable in my marriage and family seems like a crazy balancing act. And yet…..this is the deep meaningful life I came here to actualize. Without a derail, I could have forgotten what is so important….the human connection, a life without the constraints of a rigid system not interested in human vitality, unveiling an authentic life guided by my inner knowing. It is becoming clearer everyday that the call for my passion and unique gifts is ever present and ready to evolve. Its terrifying, it probably will be for a time, but I’m ready to be seen and I owe so much of this to you.

I have a burning desire to mirror your magic healing powers to you. YOU are pure magic. I want you to know and feel how epic it is to be a human right now on earth. There is a shift happening, one that leads us to ourselves and each other again, one that opens a dimension into a connected web of healing. We are slowly, but eagerly listening to earth again and the call to heal with ease.

The plants have taught me infinite lessons but a powerful one right now that I am learning and want to share with you is EASE. Ease of change, ease of abundance, ease of darkness and rest, ease of growth, ease of connection and sharing of gifts, and ease of being in a human body. Trusting this home that called us here out of the ethers, to support our growth, freedom, needs and healthiest energy vibration is the next unfolding. Following our creative power, desires and joy is a huge step towards this trust in earth. Leaning into the scary unknown with just trust for all the beautiful possibilities and our worthiness. Knowing in our bones that because we want goodness, truth, abundance and love, it can come with ease.

Thank you for listening, thank you for trusting me, the plants and your body, thank you for being a part of my soul tribe and thank you for being a brave advocate for healing.


Anna Bradford

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